

Successful market analysis is more of a process than a task. Once you get it started, you should ensure that the process continues so that you can adapt to the changing market.


For example, in business-to-business information technology sales, an approach based purely on the previous market knowledge of the sales team tends to dominate over an approach based on research. And yet some research can be really valuable for intelligent targeting of your proposition.

Firstly, we suggest using the DiligenceDue service to get an objective perspective on where you stand with your market opportunities and fresh ideas about where to start with developing those opportuities.

Secondly, depth interviews and secondary research over and above that offered by DiligenceDue, can directly inform the sales process and help to direct campaigns at the right audience.
What could have more effect on response rates than getting the right message to the right audience at the right time?


A Zianetti market analyst will start with what you know about the market you want. We will go on to build more knowledge and a picture of the players in target markets.

The players are…

    1. the customer organisations (and their customers too)
    2. the competing suppliers
    3. the friendly or complementary suppliers
Some of these organisations want you in the market, some want to keep you out, some don't care or know about you - yet! Zianetti ltd will help you to name them, list them, count them, size them and assess them.

From this emerges numbers such as

    1. market size (present size and growth rate)
    2. size of target segments
    3. number of logical partners.

This gives you something to aim at with your marketing programme, something to compare against your business plan. You can more easily divide and delegate your sales effort. You can select properly targeted venues and media for your promotion campaigns.

It also gives you a reference point for your approach to positioning your proposition in that market. Of course, it is the market that positions you. Understanding your market is key to anticipating correctly how you will be positioned.

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